Think GitHub for management best practices. A place to share, collaborate and battle-test the best practices used by managers across the globe.

About the HUB

What is a blueprint?

The lifecycle of a blueprint

Blueprint definition

How to use the HUB

Register your Blueprint account

Install a blueprint on your Team

🖊️ Create a new blueprint

🖊️ Clone and edit an existing blueprint

Explore the other products

Blueprint STUDIO

Clone, improve, and customize what others have shared to make it your own. Or create new blueprints from scratch to use inside your organization and, why not, share with the world.

Blueprint APP

Operationalize best practices by deploying different blueprints within your organization and make them scale. An application designed for the leader-operator: No asking for permission, no power struggle, no ridiculous software pushed down your throat. Manage your organization your way.

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